What are Flying Tortugas?

Ever wanted to live in another country, just for a little while?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to immerse yourself in a foreign place? You’d learn things. You’d taste new foods, see new sights, learn to get by in another language, and call upon your resourcefulness when things go sideways. You’d meet locals and make some new friends, sometimes with the most unlikely people. New thoughts and ideas would come to you, with a clarity and rapidity that just doesn’t seem to happen in the comfortable routine of life at home. You’d discover things about yourself, question beliefs you didn’t even know you had.  It would be hard to leave many of these places—when you stay in a place for a while, it starts to grow into your heart and soul. But little by little, you’d learn about living a fuller, richer life.

This is the type of travel/living we flying tortugas do, even though we have professional careers and own a house in Canada. Over the past few years, my partner and I have lived in Italy, Spain, Greece, and Malta. Solo, I have lived in D. R. Congo, Colombia, Kuwait, Panama, and France.

These are some of the stories from our travels, adventures, and mishaps.